United Way Giving Societies

Endowment and Planned Giving

Meet Our Donors

Bob and Susan Gadomski

Bob and Susan Gadomski

Bob and Susan Gadomski have been longtime Tocqueville Society members and donors to United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley (UWGLV). So when having the discussion about leaving a lasting legacy for the community came up, the solution was easy.

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David Noel

David and Jane Noel

"All great institutions must ultimately rely upon a dependable resource base to continue forward. There is no better way to assure support continuance than by nurturing a strong endowment, including planned giving. As Tocqueville Society donors, we believe that our United Way is uniquely poised to maximize the opportunities of everyone in our community. Endowment adds to the sustainability of the effort. My wife Jane and I are currently fulfilling our lifetime commitment to endowment. As this becomes realized we surely intend to add a planned giving pledge component."

Sean and Jill Linder

Sean and Jill Linder

"One of the greatest gifts we can provide to future generations is to lay a few stepping stones for a better community. It's never too soon to start laying the foundation."

Pat and Sandy Corpora

Pat and Sandy Corpora

"Through our early involvement with United Way and its agencies, my wife, Sandy, and I saw the positive impact of our gifts. As we consider the next chapter of our lives, we've decided to endow our Tocqueville Society gift to United Way through a bequest in our wills. This gift costs us nothing now, but will further strengthen our local community and provide lasting change for generations to come. It's always been an easy decision to support United Way and we are honored to be involved with such a socially progressive group."

Ross and Wendy Born

Ross and Wendy Born

"We believe United Way does an outstanding job with determining the greatest human needs in the community and the most effective organizations to address those needs. As long-time residents of the Greater Lehigh Valley, we have been contributing to the United Way annual campaign to support these organizations and programs and move the community toward its goals. We want to build on this success and momentum by providing financial resources for the future so that United Way can continue to have an impact in the community we love."

Adam and Erin Stauffer

Adam and Erin Stauffer

"As members of the Tocqueville Society, we are passionate about the philanthropic impact the United Way has on those living and working in the Lehigh Valley. As we look to the future as to ways in which we can assure this impact will be sustained, we decided to make the United Way the beneficiary of a Life Insurance Policy. Through this, we can create a long-term legacy, while continuing to support the organization annually."